Accessing Evaluation Data (Password Protected)
If you click on the links below and discover you do not have access to the data, please contact Heather Heiman or Jessica Williams.
Phase 1 Heading link
I am teaching faculty. When can I see my evaluations for the sessions that I taught?
Block courses: Students are asked to evaluate the faculty team’s teaching and content for each session, with the exception of TBLs (to be addressed in 2023-4) and small group sessions. Your session data will be available on the Friday of the week following the week when your session was taught
(Ex. Week 1 evaluation data will be available Friday of Week 2.)
Log in with your net ID and password here:
Medical Colloquia:
Process is currently under development.
I am a block director or theme leader. How can I see the full weekly evaluation of all the weekly content?
The full weekly evaluation is available on Friday of the following week. It will be placed in the Block Lead Box Folder
- Block 1:
- Block 2:
- Block 3:
- Block 4:
- Block 5:
- Block 6:
- Block 7:
I am a block director. How can I see a summary evaluation of the block?
The overall block evaluation and evaluations of theme content for each block are available at the above links two weeks after the end of the block.
I taught a TBL. Where is that evaluation?
TBL evaluations are done separately and are available two weeks after the TBL. You can find these evaluation data in the above links. If you do not have access, please contact your campus block director.
I am a Synthesis course director. Where can I see overall Synthesis evaluations?
The evaluations can be found at the following link:
I am a theme leader. Where can I see evaluations of themes?
The theme session data is available two weeks after the end of the block. You can find these evaluation data at this link: If you do not have access, please contact your campus block director.
I’d like to see the official report of last year’s course as presented to the CCIA. Where can I find this?
Phase 2 Heading link
I’m a clerkship director. Where can I find the reports of my clerkship?
For each block (clinical rotation), a dashboard is updated. Find that here:
Twice a year, a detailed report with comments is uploaded.
I am a teaching faculty member in phase 2. Where can I find evaluations of my teaching?
Students have been asked to upload free text information about faculty they found helpful and those less helpful. Your clerkship director would need to provide that information. We are looking for other options.
I’d like to see the official report of last year’s clerkship as presented to the CCIA. Where can I find this?
More information coming.
I direct C3 course Where can I find reports?
All C3-related course information (Clinical Intersections, TTC, TTR, etc.) can be found at this link: